Thursday, 5 March 2015

Bill Cosby: Veteran TV Legend Accused Of Rape

Entertainmen.t News

At this point, more than 30 women have accused Bill Cosby of sexual misconduct. Some say they were verbally harassed, while others claim the comedy legend drugged and raped them.

The accusations are becoming almost real so much investigation is launched to confirm if all the allegations are true. Despite their varying severity, however, the women's claims all contain certain disturbing similarities. 

Most of the alleged victims were young, naive aspiring actresses, and almost every case, they claimed that Cosby offered them a drink that had been drugged.

A woman identified only as Patricia is the latest to come forward, and in a shocking interview with Buzzfeed, she told a story we've heard all too many times...but with some bizarre new wrinkles:
According to Patricia, she was just 22 when Cosby invited her to dinner at his home in 1978. Patricia assumed that Cosby's wife, Camille, would be joining them and was surprised to learn that she was the only guest.
"I felt alarm bells go off because it did feel intimate, but I was trying to be so grown up and mature," Patricia said. 
Before long, Cosby offered her a drink that Patricia was believed was spiked with a powerful sedative. He then asked her to take part in a disturbing exercise:
"I would leave the room and walk back in, pretending to be a queen with oatmeal on her face, and he would tell me I was doing it wrong and to go back and try again. Then I started to feel weird from the drink. And then I don't remember much."
Patricia says she awoke hours later, naked in Cosby's bedroom. He convinced her that she had thrown up and passed out, and that he had had to wash her dress.
Cosby issued a statement following the previous round of allegations, but he still refuses to address any of the women's claims directly.
All of the alleged incidents took place long enough ago that the TV legend is protected by the statute of limitations on sexual assault charges. 
However, Cosby is being investigated by Los Angeles police in order to determine if there is any way he can be charged.
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