Saturday, 24 January 2015

Varicose Veins Treatments.

Varicose (VAR-i-kos) veins are swollen, twisted, dark coloured veins that appears just under the surface of the skin. These veins usually occur in the legs, but they also can form in other parts of the body.

 Veins have pairs of leaflet valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards (retrograde flow or venous reflux). Leg muscles pump the veins to return blood to the heart (the skeletal-muscle pump), against the effects of gravity.

When veins become varicose, the leaflets of the valves no longer meet properly, and the valves do not work (valvular incompetence). This allows blood to flow backwards and they enlarge even more.

 Varicose veins are most common in the superficial veins of the legs, which are subject to high pressure when standing. Besides being a cosmetic problem, varicose veins can be painful, especially when standing.

Severe long-standing varicose veins can lead to leg swelling, venous eczema, skin thickening (lipodermatosclerosis) and ulceration. Life-threatening complications are uncommon, but varicose veins may be confused with deep vein thrombosis, which may be life-threatening.

Varicose veins are a common condition. They usually cause few signs and symptoms. Sometimes varicose veins cause mild to moderate pain, blood clots, skin ulcers (sores), or other problems.

When they appear on the face, they can cause migraine, lightly discomforting headaches and strains.

Treatments: The Varicose Veins symptoms can be treated in many ways.

1. Soak a clean cloth in undiluted apple cider vinegar(BRAGGS ACV). Apply the cloth and compress it on the skin surface where the veins are visible and allow the piece to remain for about 30 minutes. This process should be repeated twice a day at least for 30 days to observe the vanishing appearance.

2. Ginger is best known to boost circulation which can alleviate the appearance of spider veins. It works by lowering your blood pressure which then lessens the pressure on veins. Furthermore, ginger has blood-thinning potential which makes the heart to pump smoother and stress-free. Therefore, having ginger daily can help treat the condition. However, due differences in individual body resistance, it is advisable to consult your doctor for guidance on volume intake.

3. Castor oil improves blood circulation and prevents blood-clotting. It reduces swelling and eases pain. Daily massage of the legs with castor oil will provide quick relief from the pain and prevent swelling in the veins.

4. Conservative methods - Elevating legs for symptomatic relief, regular exercise to relieve veins, use of anti inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen, Aspirin for superficial thrombophlebitis and application of Tropical Gel.

  There are varieties of other treatment like Surgery, Stripping, Catheter-assisted procedures, Ambulatory phlebectomy, Sclerotherapy and Endovenous Thermal Ablation but the option 1 to 3 are home based easy to perform treatment.

Good luck.

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