Saturday, 17 January 2015

Eyelashes Growth Made Easy

With advent of fixing of eyelashes which is an artificial application of lashes to make the natural one look longer and more attractive with its numerous side effects like - breaking off of the natural lashes, messy glue job, improper fixing, falling lashes et al.

There is a better and easy way of achieving the desired result even with the natural eyelashes.

Here is something you might want to try to achieve natural grown and permanent eyelashes of your choice.

Please note: once you achieve a desired result you might want to discontinue the use to avoid a clowny eyelashes (except if you are contesting for the 'Longest Eyelashes Position in the Guinness Book of Records').

85ml of alcohol free Aloe Vera Gel (grows lashes)
230ml of Caster Oil (thickens lashes)
500ml of Vitamin E oil (grows lashes)

Mix contents together in a recycled empty container & gently shake to get a complete mix.

Apply to lashes at night with a recycled mascara wand. Works for everyone with regular use.

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